
Meru is a lot less busy than some of Kenya’s more popular parks, and has an unspoilt feel. All of the Big Five are present. Elephant and buffalo are very common, and there is an enclosed rhino sanctuary containing both black and white rhino. The park is extremely scenic with tall doum palms growing along the park’s many watercourses. Meru National Park is little visited and so utterly unspoilt, few places are comparable to the remote and rugged atmosphere found here. It was made famous through the book and Movie Born Free, by George and Joy Adamson. You can visit her grave site which is also where Joy Adamson's ashes were scattered.The Meru National Park was made famous through the book and film Born Free based on George and Joy Adamson's work releasing hand raised Lions back into the wild. The park is small by Kenyan standards but is home to a diverse array of wildlife.